Friday, January 17, 2014

You are an Overcomer!

"The Bible says we are fearfully and wonderfully made. The counterfeit is like looking into a fun-house mirror. The enemy distorts it all."

I received this comment this morning right before I was getting ready to type my original post & ju...
st knew this is what it had to be based on. Too often we give in to what society thinks we need to look like and we think we need to be prettier, skinnier, bigger etc. whatever the case may be. That is where the fun house mirror view comes in we start to see ourselves as the world sees us and not how we really are how God made us. We need to start seeing ourselves as God sees us, after all He created us in his image, so just think about that next time you want to beat up on yourself that your saying God's work wasn't good enough. Its tough to hear but next time a negative thought comes in your mind just start praying & thanking God for creating the person you are. Don't get me wrong I have bad days where I don't feel good about myself like we all do but it's in those days that we need to see that we are overcomers and we can overcome any expectation the world puts on us or any negative thoughts about ourselves because Our God is on the throne, and nothing the world could ever do could change that! Have a BLESSED day everyone

Thursday, January 16, 2014


Good Morning!  I wanted to share with you something I recently started and do every other month, It has been a challenge but a very beneficial one.  
So if your up for the challenge and want to do it with me then lets start :) it's a 30 day challenge you can start any time! If your going to take on the challenge and want to share your results at the end of 30 days feel free to comment! I can guarantee you will see results from this :) The great part is that you can do it any time throughout your day it doesn't have to be done all at once! So good luck to any one starting the challenge! If you have any questions feel free to ask. Have a great day :)

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Muscle vs Fat

Most women think that if they lift weights they will bulk up, well that's simply not true while strength training does build muscle,  muscles burn fat.  So as you can see in the photo both weigh 130 pounds but the person on the left has more muscle so you see how physically the left looks smaller because the amount of muscle they have is greater and burns the fat.  I myself always thought lifting weights would bulk you up or thought at one point I wasn't going to exercise because I was losing weight just by eating right, well in reality when my body started to change was when I was exercising consistently and doing strength training.  This is what I was talking about in the last post, the more muscles you have the less fat you will have & you may not see a huge difference on the scale but will physically look like you have & be so much healthier. So exercising is a very important part in the process, because not only does it help you to lose fat it improves your mood, boosts your energy & promotes better sleep among other things.  I don't know about you but knowing all of that I don't want to stop exercising, there's just so many great benefits!   So make sure you get some kind of physical activity in today you'll feel much better :)

Still mad you only lost 1 pound?!

This is something so many people need to realize, there will be weeks when you get on the scale and  see a 1 pound difference and think "That's it?".  But just look at this picture, look how much 1 pound is be proud of any change you see whether on the scale or non scale victories.  I never said it would be easy but I can assure you it IS worth it.  So I encourage you to create some non scale goals for yourself example is losing inches,  because losing inches is just as awesome as losing pounds because its getting you one step closer to your goal!  Too often people become obsessed with the scale and the number, but in reality it is just a number and please do not let that number define you because that's not who you are! Always remember you are beautiful inside and out!  
Have a great day everyone :)
Psalm 139:14

Most Recent Experience

So I've given you my background, now ill give you my most recent experiences.  August 16, 2012 I gave birth to the most precious little girl, now throughout my pregnancy I was sick majority of the time so ate mostly carbs because that was the only thing I could keep down at times, so needless to say I gained close to 80 pounds.  In the first six weeks after I quickly lose 30 pounds but then the rest has been a struggle to get off, I knew I got myself in this position and I would be the only one getting myself out of it and the healthy way because now I have a little girl looking up to me and I want to be here for her as long she lives.  SO to not make this too long, I would start working out and eating right for awhile lose some weight then fall off track and that has happened up until a few months ago when I put my mind to losing the rest of the weight because I no longer wanted to be miserable and unhappy in my own skin.  Now I'm not saying that everyone feels the same way, I know some full figured women who are very happy in there own skin and I think that's awesome for them but this is my experience and I knew I just didn't feel myself and wanted to be happy.   So far I've lost 79 pounds, I never took the time to figure it out exactly until now, I still have between 30-40 more pounds I would like to lose but I'm finally starting to feel comfortable in my own skin.  The reason I created this blog was to encourage anyone who may be going through the same thing, to let you know that if I can do this truly anyone can, it's been a long hard road to get where I am today but I wouldn't trade any of it because I have become so much stronger through it.  Here is my before and during pictures, and trust me there WILL be an after so stay tuned :)

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Personal Testimony of where I came from!

For awhile now the Lord has been putting on my heart to share my testimony because someone needs to hear it, I took the first step and submitted and said I'm all yours Lord use me where you will.  Well after reading this ...I feel it weighing heavy on my heart that this needs to be shared on here, so if your struggling with anything like this or know someone who is please keep reading.  Ever since I was younger I developed this mindset that I wasn't good enough, I always compared myself to other people and one person in particular who was my best friend.  When we were around 12 years old someone in my distant family made a comment that reassured that not being good enough opinion I had of myself and I guess you can say it all started from there and for many years to come I struggled with acceptance, not feeling good enough, pretty enough, skinny enough.  When I was about 15 years old something happened in my life that may seem minor to many but it was a huge breaking point for me, I won't get into detail because that's not the point of my testimony but after the hurt and rejection I felt from that situation it took me years to get through it and I started taking drastic measures to lose weight I would go days on end without eating, I was on diet pills at some point also taking laxatives, water pills, and on top of that when I would eat I would just make myself sick to the point of throwing up.  I honestly don't even know how I functioned, but I did and I thought I was happy because I finally started to feel "skinny" and people were giving me attention for it, but all the while I had this piece that was missing and I knew it because deep down inside at the end of the day I wasn't happy.  Throughout my struggle with the many eating disorders I struggled with depression, anxiety worried about my parents finding out about the measures I was taking.  I specifically remember someone at church asking me if my parents were worried about me and I said no why and they said because of all the weight you've lost and that just drove my anxiety even more realizing that people were noticing.  There were many instances like that that should have been wake up calls for me but I ignored it and kept doing what I was doing.  One time we were getting ready to leave for vacation and I was standing in the kitchen and my vision started going I started seeing black spots and couldn't feel my arms so I laid down on the kitchen floor and was staring up at the light and could barely see so I put my hand in front of my face to see if I could see that and nothing I was more scared then ever so I just prayed help me Lord and within seconds my vision started coming back and I was able to pull myself up off the floor to eat something because it had been days since I had eaten anything and slowly I started feeling like myself again and was able to function without anyone knowing what was going on.  I look back now and I wonder what ever made me stop and then I think about my parents always praying for me, and realize how truly blessed I was to be able to come through something like that without any of the worlds interventions.  The sad truth is eating disorders are an illness that is not easy to get rid of its an addiction and I know now that it was only by the grace of God that HE brought me through those things.  I didn't have anything major happen in my life for me to stop it just slowly but surely started to fade away and I stopped doing those things and that was all the Lord because I couldn't have done it on my own and I thank God He did because I don't know if I would be here today if I kept doing what I was doing.  I'm not saying i'm perfect now, I'm far from it, I still struggle with insecurities at times like we all do and wanting to get my body back after having my biggest blessing my little girl, but for the first time I have the right mind set and am doing it for the right reasons, I want to be the best version of myself so I can be an example to my little girl to show that her mommy never gave up and it's only by the grace of God that I can say that.  There is so much more I could say about my testimony  but this is what the Lord has been laying on my heart to share, so I hope someone reading this can feel encouraged by this and know that if anyone would want to talk feel free to message me & NEVER GIVE UP BECAUSE GOD HAS A PLAN FOR YOU!