Friday, January 17, 2014

You are an Overcomer!

"The Bible says we are fearfully and wonderfully made. The counterfeit is like looking into a fun-house mirror. The enemy distorts it all."

I received this comment this morning right before I was getting ready to type my original post & ju...
st knew this is what it had to be based on. Too often we give in to what society thinks we need to look like and we think we need to be prettier, skinnier, bigger etc. whatever the case may be. That is where the fun house mirror view comes in we start to see ourselves as the world sees us and not how we really are how God made us. We need to start seeing ourselves as God sees us, after all He created us in his image, so just think about that next time you want to beat up on yourself that your saying God's work wasn't good enough. Its tough to hear but next time a negative thought comes in your mind just start praying & thanking God for creating the person you are. Don't get me wrong I have bad days where I don't feel good about myself like we all do but it's in those days that we need to see that we are overcomers and we can overcome any expectation the world puts on us or any negative thoughts about ourselves because Our God is on the throne, and nothing the world could ever do could change that! Have a BLESSED day everyone

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