Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Most Recent Experience

So I've given you my background, now ill give you my most recent experiences.  August 16, 2012 I gave birth to the most precious little girl, now throughout my pregnancy I was sick majority of the time so ate mostly carbs because that was the only thing I could keep down at times, so needless to say I gained close to 80 pounds.  In the first six weeks after I quickly lose 30 pounds but then the rest has been a struggle to get off, I knew I got myself in this position and I would be the only one getting myself out of it and the healthy way because now I have a little girl looking up to me and I want to be here for her as long she lives.  SO to not make this too long, I would start working out and eating right for awhile lose some weight then fall off track and that has happened up until a few months ago when I put my mind to losing the rest of the weight because I no longer wanted to be miserable and unhappy in my own skin.  Now I'm not saying that everyone feels the same way, I know some full figured women who are very happy in there own skin and I think that's awesome for them but this is my experience and I knew I just didn't feel myself and wanted to be happy.   So far I've lost 79 pounds, I never took the time to figure it out exactly until now, I still have between 30-40 more pounds I would like to lose but I'm finally starting to feel comfortable in my own skin.  The reason I created this blog was to encourage anyone who may be going through the same thing, to let you know that if I can do this truly anyone can, it's been a long hard road to get where I am today but I wouldn't trade any of it because I have become so much stronger through it.  Here is my before and during pictures, and trust me there WILL be an after so stay tuned :)

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